Open Knowledge Belgium

The iron man of all hackathons in the Benelux is near.

Pieter-Jan Pauwels

The Dutch Open Hackathon, the ‘iron man’ of all hackathons in the Benelux is near and it still has a 100 spaces left. This hackathon, organised by Open State will go down in two weeks in Amsterdam.

only 100 spots left for the Dutch Open Hackathon – 20/21 september 2014 in Amsterdam –

— Dutch Open Hackathon (@dutchhackathon) September 3, 2014

Why should you participate?

It’s big, a ‘100 spaces’ left means that around 400 hackers and developers already confirmed. Yup, that’s a hackathon of around 500 people in teams of 2 to 5 people. That will be a once in a lifetime opportunity.

It’s a new hackathon experience

A lot of companies just opened their API for this event. This means you have a lot of options for making an application with data you don’t really have access to. Time to be creative and show what you can do by driving global innovation.

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You can make a change

Corporate and Private owned Open Data is still very scarce and this is a perfect way to convince big companies of the usefulness of Open Data and Open API’s. By showing them that Open Data should not be limited by public governments and transparency combined with co-creation within big private companies is viable option as well.

Because Belgian hackers are not to be underestimated

Arjan-Al-Fassed, the organiser didn’t believe me when I said the Belgian participants of hackathons are true innovators. Just to prove my point I want to get as many Belgians to Amsterdam as possible. And because our Dutch colleagues are doing amazing things regarding Open Data and Open innovation as well, it is good to meet up and hack together. Because innovation has no borders, so exchanging experience and ideas are always the way to go.

Belgian Open Data Hackers

Convinced? If not, please visit the Dutch Open Hackathon website, they provide a lot of information about the API’s and the goal of the event.
If you are, here is the practical information you need to get there:

You can register for the event here.


It’s on 20 and 21 september 2014
It’s a 30-hour Hackathon
It’s at the IJtoren Amsterdam, Piet Heinkade 55 in Amsterdam


09.00 Participant registration
10.00 Welcome – start hackathon
12.00 Lunch
20.00 Walking dinner + speaker
22.00 Night activity
00.00 … all nighter…

08.00 Breakfast
12.00 Sub jury pitching (90 seconds video + Q&A session)
14.00 All 90-second videos are shown on screen on main stage
15.00 Top 10 pitching for jury on main stage
16.00 Award ceremony
17.00 End

Contact: Open State Foundation
Arjan El Fassed
Tel: +31 (0)20-308-0567 / +31 (0)6-21703833

If you are heading to Amsterdam in two weeks, let us know! We’ll be rooting for all the Belgian teams.


Open knowledge Belgium VZW / asbl
Cantersteen 12
1000 Brussels
BE 0845 419 930

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